Now taking Christmas Orders for 2024!!!
It’s official! Christmas Orders are open again for 2024 and we have some exciting new features to announce!!!
I have secured premium quality hams cooked by a local supplier and with only 10 weeks until the big weekend we are asking you to place your orders now.
We have our new point of sale system implemented for this year’s orders so please be patient as we take your order.
When we complete your order in the system you will get an order receipt with an approximation of your order total and your pickup date. You can also make amendments to your order at any time until orders close.
This year we are asking for a 10% deposit to confirm your order.
We are able to take Afterpay, in store lay-bys and multiple payment instalments on all your Christmas orders to make your festive season easier and help you balance your Christmas budget.
I will be closing Christmas Ham orders earlier this year on the 22nd November 2024 due to supplier constraints, but you can amend all other products right up until the big day.
Please use the forms below to place your order and customer details otherwise come in store to pick up paper copies.
We look forward to releasing our loyalty program in the new year, so please help us to get a head start as we start to enter all your details.
Thank you for trusting us with your Christmas needs and we look forward to the festive season right into 2025.
We will close after Christmas until Monday the 30th December 2024 so plan ahead for your New Year’s celebration and we will use the same ordering process so plan ahead.